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Hola y Bienvenidos!

Hey, it’s Aya. I’m the ‘travel planner’ in my family and friend groups. It takes a lot of time but it’s something I enjoy doing. Every time I plan a trip, I have two goals in mind. First, to have a comfortable experience without spending too much. Second, to explore as many places as possible without wearing myself out.

With so many tips to share I decided to start this blog as a hobby. I want to help others make the most out of their trips, the same way I do. Everything based on experience.

I’m currently working on blogs with a focus on Philippines destinations, after all, it’s my home. It’s a tropical paradise! From the world-renowned islands of Palawan to the pristine unspoiled beaches of Sulu – the islands are just endless.

I also want to inspire Filipino travelers that traveling with a Philippines passport doesn’t have to be limiting. Going to Europe is much more doable and affordable than you think! I planned my Europe trip in 2 weeks and got my Schengen visa in just 4 days.

Florence Italy Travel Blog

I hope this travel site gives you some inspiration to go ahead and take that trip. Enjoy! 

What I'll Share Here...

Travel Guide

Traveling smart is all about preparation. I'll share comprehensive guides on anything you need to know about a destination. How to get there and how to get around. The sights to see. The best places to eat. Where to stay. How much to spend. Sample itineraries. Tips.

Visa Guide

Do you have a Philippine passport but have no idea how to start your DIY visa application? My guide contains a step-by-step application process, a list of requirements to submit, and answered FAQs. I also included templates and tips on how to write an effective cover letter.

Travel Blog

Just because there's so much I want to share! Coron Island is better for diving while El Nido has more scenic beach views. Packing list for your summer trip to Italy. Guides on traveling by train and bus in Europe. Spots in Rizal to catch the sunrise. You'll read about them here!
